
நீங்கள் ஆயுதங்களோடு வந்தாலும் நாங்கள் ரோஜாக்களையே தருவோம்! | Shaheen bagh protest | Delhi Riots

2020-10-21 4 Dailymotion

Protests broke out across Tamil Nadu, with a Shaheen Bagh like a protest at Chennai’s Old Washermanpet, after police lathi-charged anti-Citizenship Amendment Act protesters.hundreds of men and women sat in protest all night at Old Washermanpet in criticizing the police crackdown on protesters. Here Washermenpet few women protestor and Pon Radhakrishnan Former Member of the Lok Sabha shares his opinion about the protest.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2019 naturally, implies that migrants, who identify themselves with any group or community other than those mentioned above, from these countries won't be eligible for citizenship. The bill also relaxes the provisions for "Citizenship by naturalization". The proposed law reduces the duration of residency from the existing 11 years to just five years for people belonging to the same six religions and three countries.

#ShaheenBaghprotests #Delhiriots #CAA #CAB #CABprotest #CitizenshipBill #CitizenshipAmendmentBill #CABBill #NRC #NPR

Reporter - Mohamed Ilyas R | Camera - Venkataraj | Edit - Lenin and Arun

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